Title: Teach the teacher course for doctors
Description: During this two-days course we will explore formal teaching theories, principles and teaching tools. The interactive format enables the expert tutor to support you in practicing 1-to-1 teaching and then a small group tutorial, building your confidence and applying learning. On day two you will work as part of a small team to prepare and deliver a larger teaching session to the rest of the group. The different approaches required for each of these situations is explored in depth. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences to optimize the learning experience.
Dates: 27 & 28 January 2017.
Venue: Marriott Rotterdam (in front of the Central Station), Weena 686, 3012 CN Rotterdam
Duration: 09:00-17:00
Credits: 12 GMC (General Medical Council, UK)
Instructor: Mr. Andy Cole.
Fee: 1.200€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch. For group registrations contact us at info@medina.net.
Title: ALS & NLS for anesthesiologists
Description: Advanced Life Support and Neonatal Life Support trainings for anesthesiologists
Date: 03-December-2016
Duration: 08:30-17:00
Venue: Marriott Rotterdam (in front of the Central Station), Weena 686, 3012 CN Rotterdam
CME NVA credits: TBA
Instructors: Mr. H. vander Eede (NLS), Mr. Arne de Meyer (ALS)
Fee: 500€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch. For group registrations contact us at info@medina.net.
Title: Strategy at the individual level II: Career Strategies for Individual Anesthesiologists.
Description: This is a continuation of the Strategy at the individual level workshop held in January 2016. Which are the strategies and career choices an individual anesthesiologist might want to follow to better direct his professional career?
The Workshop will provide you with a methodology for creating your ideal career and supporting life structures, including the making and revision of a personal and organizational mission statement. You will:
* Formulate your core values as anesthesiologist and how you want to bring those values over to the organization you work for.
* Identify the ethical framework you want to adhere while helping patients
* Identify how you want to be treated by the organization you work for.
* Identify priorities in your daily practice, and how to make those priorities workable.
* Do your personal values and mission fit into your organization’s values and mission?
Date: 26 November 2017.
Venue: Botersloot 335, 3011 HE Rotterdam
Credits: TBC
Instructor: Mr. Gert-Jan ter Weeme, MBA, Consultant.
Fee: 500€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch. For group registrations contact us at info@medina.net.
Title: Neonatal Life Support
Description: Neonatal resuscitation for Anesthesia Professionals
Location: Hotel Campanile Rotterdam Oost. Koningslaan 2 (hoek hoofdweg/koningslaan), 3067 TG Rotterdam
Date: Saturday, 12 December 2015
Start time: 08:30
End Time: 14:30
Instructor: H. vanden Eede
CME NVA Credits: 6
Fee: 500€. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch.
Title: Advanced Life Support
Description: Cardiocerebral resuscitation for Anesthesia Professionals
Location: Mia van IJperenplein 30, 3065 JK Rotterdam
Date: Saturday, 07 November 2015
Start time: 08:30
End Time: 16:30
Instructor: H. vander Eede
CME NVA Credits: 6
Fee: 500€. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch.
Title: Teach the teacher course for doctors
Description: During this two-days course we will explore formal teaching theories, principles and teaching tools. The interactive format enables the expert tutor to support you in practising 1-2-1 teaching and then a small group tutorial, building your confidence and applying learning. On day two you will work as part of a small team to prepare and deliver a larger teaching session to the rest of the group. The different approaches required for each of these situations is explored in depth. Suitable for doctors of all levels – FY, ST, SAS and Consultants – delegates are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences to optimise the learning experience.
Dates: 6 & 7 March 2015.
Venue: NH Schiphol airport, Kruisweg 495, 2132 NA Amsterdam.
Number of attendants: 18.
Duration: 09:00-17:00
Credits: 12 GMC (General Medical Council, UK)
Fee: 1.200€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch. For group registrations contact us at info@medina.net.
Title: E Cursus Domus Medica
Description: Invited speakers Dhr. H.J. Medina Palomino, anesthesiologist, MD, MBA, MSc. Dhr. M.B. Scheuer, anesthesiologist, MD, MBA
Date: 23-January-2015
Venue: Domus Medica, Utrecht.
Title: Thrive!
Description: Het seminaar voor artsen die hun professionele horizon willen vergroten
For whom?: Artsen (algemene artsen, specialisten, AGIOs, AGNIOs, gehele teams of afdelingen) Location: Rotterdam School of Management, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam
Date: Zaterdag, 17 jan 2015
Start time: 08:30
End Time: 16:30
CME NVA credits: 6
Conference fee: 650€ (500€ AGIOs, AGNIOs en inschrijvingen vóór 1 september). Inclusief materialen, lunch, koffie/thee en parkeren. Voor groepen groter dan 5 artsen zijn speciale tarieven en arrangementen van toepassing, vraag ernaar via info@medina.net. Annulering van uw inschrijving voor dit seminaar is kosteloos mogelijk tot 1 september 2014. Voor latere annuleringen tot 1 december gelden annuleringskosten a €75,-. Daarna is restitutie niet meer mogelijk.
Neonatal Resuscitation course
Title: Neonatal resuscitation
Description: Neonatal resuscitation for Anesthesia Professionals
Location: Hotel Campanile Rotterdam Oost. Koningslaan 2 (hoek hoofdweg/koningslaan). 3067 TG Rotterdam
Date: Saturday, 11 Oct 2014
Start time: 08:00
End Time: 17:00
Instructor: H. vanden Eede
CME NVA Credits: 6
Fee: 500€. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch.
Title: E Cursus Domus Medica
Description: Invited speaker Dhr. H.J. Medina Palomino, anesthesiologist, MD, MBA, MSc
Date: 24-January-2014
Venue: Domus Medica, Utrecht.
Title: Taking the Lead workshop
Description: Turbulence. Problems. Strategy. Responses.
Date: 24-January-2014
Venue: Valk Hotel Arnhem.
CME NVA Credits: 6
Speakers: Dhr. H.J. Medina Palomino, Dhr. M. Scheuer
Title: Team Resource Management
Description: Team Resource Management applied to communication skills in the OR
Date: Two days on request
Venue: Client´s location
Number of attendants: Tbc
Duration: 08:30-17:00
CME NVA Credits: 12
Fee: 1.200€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch.
Title: Immediate Life Support course
Description: Immediate Life Support course for ORF professionals in the OR
Date: 08-October-2013
Venue: Client´s location
Number of attendants: 5
Duration: 08:30-17:00
CME NVA Credits: 6
Instructor: Dhr. P.J. Dirven.
Title: FranklinCovey training
Description: Adaptation in a fluid market
Date: 07-September-2013
Venue: Hilton Royal Parc Soestduinen, Van Weerden Poelmanweg 4-6, 3768 MN Soestduinen.
Duration: 08:30-17:00 CME NVA Credits: 6
Instructor: Dhr. G.J. ter Weeme
Title: Anesthesiologie: De professie en het systeem
Description: NVA anesthesiologendagen 2013. Parallelsessie 20. Workshop: Toekomstvisie Anesthesie
Location: MECC Maastricht. Zaal 0.8
Date: 30 & 31 May 2013.
Start time: 15:05
End Time: 16:05
Moderator: Drs. H.J. Medina, MD MBA, Medina Care
Voorinschrijving bij de NVAdagen.
Title: Anesthesiologie en Porter´s five forces.
Description: NVA anesthesiologendagen 2013. Parallelsessie 20. Workshop: Toekomstvisie Anesthesie
Location: MECC Maastricht. Zaal 0.7
Date: 2013-05-30. 2013-05-31.
Start time: 15:05
End Time: 16:05
Moderator: Dhr. M.B. Scheuer, MD MBA, Medina Care
Voorinschrijving bij de NVAdagen.
Title: Felix and the bunny-hop: Anesthesiology in 2035
Description: NVA anesthesiologendagen 2013. Parallelsessie 07: Actualiteit toekomst NVA
Location: MECC Maastricht. Auditorium 1
Date: 30 May 2013
Start time: 12:15
End Time: 13:00
Speaker: Drs. H.J. Medina, MD MBA, Medina Care
Title: Scenario planning as instrument to address turbulent times
Description: NVA anesthesiologendagen 2013. Parallelsessie 07: Actualiteit toekomst NVA
Location: MECC Maastricht. Auditorium 1
Date: 30 May 2013
Start time: 11:30
End Time: 12:15
Speaker: Prof. R. Ramirez, Said Business School/Oxford University
Title: Team Resource Management
Description: Team Resource Management applied to communication skills for Anesthesia professionals in the OR
Date: On request
Venue: Client´s location
Number of attendants: Tbc
Duration: 08:30-17:00
CME NVA Credits: 12
Fee: 1.200€ pp. It includes the cost of tuition and materials
Title: Cardiocerebral resuscitation
Description: Cardiocerebral resuscitation for Anesthesia Professionals
Location: Mia van IJperenplein 30, 3065 JK Rotterdam
Date: 2012-10-13
Start time: 08:00
End Time: 17:00
Instructor: P.J. Dirven
CME NVA Credits: 6
Fee: 500€. It includes the cost of tuition and materials, refreshment breaks and lunch.
Title: Scenario planning (sessions 1 & 2/out of 3)
Description: Scenario planning of anesthesia in The Netherlands: vision, challenges and strategies for the future.
Location: NH Utrecht, Jaarbeursplein 24, 3521 AR Utrecht.
Date: 2012-09-01 & 21
Start time: 09:00
End Time: 16:00
CME NVA Credits: 18
Title: Cardiocerebral resuscitation
Description: Cardiocerebral resuscitation for Anesthesia Professionals
Location: Hotel Campanile Rotterdam Oost. Koningslaan 2 (hoek hoofdweg/koningslaan). 3067 TG Rotterdam
Date: 2011-11-19
Start time: 08:00
End Time: 17:00
Instructor: H. vanden Eede
CME NVA Credits: 6